Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not Bieber fever... Cabin fever just a rant

So since Hurricane Sandy has pounded on the Eastern Sea board things have been really crazy. People are without lights. It got cold thanks to a cold front from Canada. Any place possible that could flood did flood and then some. We are in a gas shortage because the barges couldn't come into port. And! Schools have been closed as a result of it all.

I have to really count my blessings. We were really fortunate that we did not have damage to our home nor did we lose power. Since I live on the only block in my town that had power I started the adopt a child program. Not really but I did offer my home to those with no power who might have been in need of warming up and charging their electronics. Whether or not people took me up on the offer is on them.

Before anyone begins to think about criticizing just know that from my home I have done my part to assist in the efforts. I have donated money and even written to the news and local government of NYC for my family members who are without power, heat and running water. Maybe next time when they say to evacuate they might just listen. who knows. People are afraid to leave their property behind. They just need to realize that material things can be replaced and that's what renters insurance is for. I pay 20 dollars a month. If my house were to collapse I know I can get more things. I can not replace the lives of my children.
Either way with the Gas and power shortage we were forced to stay in doors. We took a walk one day but walking down the street with 3 insubordinate children was very frustrating to me. My kids aren't really but after you see one house without power you have seen them all. We have been in the house bored. I am ready to go back to work because these kids are killing me. I thought about trying to hide from them but they would only find me and harass me. 

I truly truly love my kids. But after being stuck in the house with them for a week straight I am tired of them. These kids have bikes, roller blades, skateboards, you name it. You think they would go outside? No. They are in the house. No one even asked to go out and play. I would have gladly said yes. Hell I might have even joined them.

Someone I know had the same exact complaint. Parents need school for kids because we need a break. Even if we have to go to work and deal with possible adult children. I am going stir crazy. Earlier I told them to just sit there and not say anything. The little one just talks and talks and talks. Remember those little aliens on sesame street? The ones that was walk around saying "yip yip yip yip yip yip" That's what he reminds me of sometimes. 

There's only so much cooking and cleaning one can do you know. I feel like for a week straight all i have done was cooked and cleaned and cooked and cleaned and cooked and cleaned.

I know there are many people out there that feel my pain.I love my kids once again and I am really thankful to be blessed with them but holy moly donut shop... I want to run away screaming :)