Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All I cant eat

So today we went to Hooters for dinner. They have 9.99 all you can eat wings and I really feel like I let myself down. I used to be the kind of person that could go to an all you can eat event and eat enough to feel like I had gotten my money's worth. Nowadays I have to do the math. Is it worth it for me to pay the all you can eat price or just regular price things?

Tonight was actually a good deal. 10 dollars all you can eat came with 15 wings and fries. To start 10 wings are usually 8.99 and fries are like almost 5 bucks. So in this regard I get the bang for my buck. Chinese buffets on the other hand well I'm better off buying fruit on the side of the road from some Mexican who doesn’t know hygiene.

At these all you can eat Chinese things I most often times end up filling up on orange slices and pineapples. eh go figure. I'm the type of person that if it doesn’t look right I’m not going to eat it. Also I hate those sneeze guards. I’m the perfect height not to reach the food in the back row so I end up having to literally climb into the damn buffet to get some chicken with broccoli.

Another thing about Chinese all you can eat buffets is that they want to charge 16 dollars on weekends because they usually have a seafood menu. I can’t even eat half of that crap. So word to the wise, if you ever take the Popcorn Popper out to dinner an all you can eat joint will only waste your money.

 MAybe buffets is why Americans are so gosh damned fat int he first place.
Are you an all you can eat kind of person? How often can you "All you can eat?

1 comment:

  1. Lol I used to be an all you can eat guy. Can't do it anymore. Guess that comes with age(I'm only 35). But I must say i will findout if Hooters by my house has all you can eat!!!
