Saturday, September 29, 2012

Respect in relationships

What's a relationship? What is respect? These days it seems like nothing but what people fail to understand is that you cannot have one without the other. A relationship is not limited to dating. Relationships can be anything. The relationship with your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, peers, significant others, etc.

Respect can be seen as the condition of being esteemed or honored. So who should we respect? Everyone.  Give people the treatment that you want. Heard this before? Cause mother fukkas it's true! If you want someone walking around call you all types of bitches and assholes then do that to them. Is it right? Hell no! That's what people need to realize. Sometimes people are not brought up with morals and values. These people have no idea what respect is. 

Respect in an intimate relationship is crucial. If you do not respect your mate you are liable to cheat, mistreat them, make them feel like less of a person. If you get a kick out of making feel like shit then maybe your ass needs to be on some heavy medication. Maybe... Just maybe it means you don't respect yourself. How much do you honor yourself? 

Respect has to be given and demanded. I am not telling my readers to walk up to people and yell "RESPECT ME DAMMIT" cause that right there is some disrespectful shit.  I'm just saying, your actions say a lot. along with that you have to know the people you are demanding respect from. This will determine how you deal with them if you do at all. Fun fact: If they don't respect their parents, they wont respect you. 

How are some ways we could demand respect without being disrespectful? How can our relationships improve from respect? That's a question for you readers.... and GOo

Friday, September 28, 2012

Is love battle?

The past few days I have been counseling a friend of mine through some silly love issues that he has been having. I couldn't help but to wonder, is love really a battlefield? Before you close the page saying "yo this broad has lost her mind", just read me out. For ages the sexes have been battling each other. Games of cat and mouse, like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Or better yet like the Hatfields and the McCoys. But why? Some people say men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I am here to tell you we aren't.

Men and women alike all seek the same thing in a mate. Great sex, to feel loved, to have someone to wipe their asses when they are older, and to get the "look". Please don't confuse this with good looks. Physical appearances fade. If you are solely about looks then you will never be happy. Anyway, if you have ever gotten the "look" then you know what I am talking about. It's the look you get when someone accepts you flaws and all. The "Oh my god, you are so perfect" look. Meanwhile you got on holey underwear, look like you fell off the back of the car while it was moving, and socks that are suspect. You know the ones you found near the foot of the bed but didn't smell bad and looked clean so you wore them anyway.

The reason we play games is because everyone is afraid of getting hurt. So they give a little then take some back. Oh, you said something that hurt my feelings? now I have to build up 10 foot walls. Living with 10 foot walls will get you lonely and bitter as hell. Trust me. I had to learn to break down those dumb ass walls. I had to shed my bags. Shit my ass had a shopping cart full of baggage. I had to start looking at the bright side. Do I still complain? Hell yea, I'm a woman. I think we complain 80 percent of the time. But things have gotten way better.

I'm here to challenge my readers to stop building walls. Your feelings got hurt in the past that's nice. Write a poem, paint a picture, take a long walk and get over it. Don't take it out on the new guy or girl because it wasn't  their fault.  Be yourself, if they don't like who you are then chances are they don't really like you. But don't hate them for how they feel. Respect peoples feelings so your feelings are respected. Sometimes the very thing we want and need is standing in front of us the whole time and we are too busy trying to be masons building walls. Aside from keeping people from hurting you, you also keep people from really loving you.

Stop the war, love, and let yourselves be loved.

That's all for now...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First day of school

Children across the North East are preparing to go to school tomorrow. While most children are nestled in their beds sad and upset that the summer has ended, there are parents that are plotting to celebrate their freedom. Mainly the stay at home Mom's and Dad's. Don't get me wrong I know that parents love their children. They love the kisses and hugs from the little monsters with dirty hands. But Parents need a break.

I know some are reading this blog with a glass of wine in one hand and their mouse scrolling down in the other mentally yelling preach on sister. They can only yell it in their heads not to risk waking the kids. The kids need their sleep. Back to school means alot of great things for parents who stay at home. It means nooners for the parents that work close to home. A nooner is a midday sexual encounter with your special someone or who ever is available to your liking. Back to school for stay at home parents means that some will have peace of mind from the hours of 8 am to 3 pm. They can now get things accomplished that they couldn't before like an orgasm or maybe catch up on their household chores or their favorite inappropriate TV show that they dare not watch around their children.

Unfortunately, while some parents will do the touch down dance as their kids slug their way onto the school bus there are parents who dread back to school time. These parents are the ones who always expect phone calls by the 2nd day of school because they know their kids are bad as hell and no teacher can tame them. Some are the parents who would love to help their kids with homework but when they look at the paper it appears to be hieroglyphics. Then you have the parents who work 8 jobs to keep the lights on, who want to be involve but don't know when they would have time to go to a PTA meeting.

Back to school time can be a great thing. Filled with exciting moments and some not so exciting moments. So what does back to school time mean to you? Share some stories.