So a very special person that I hold dear to my heart loves to express himself in music. Those that know me know that I love all the artsy stuff. I love music, poetry, art, etc. Last night during our conversation he decided he wanted to express himself through music. Playing various compilations of music in order to say what he could not say in words.
Honestly, I was in awe. I was definitely smiling from ear to ear but I was trying to play it cool. Sometimes I play coy so that I can hear the words directly from the person. I mean let's be serious; one can easily take a friendly gesture in the wrong context when the imagination takes over.
Then the greatest words ever left his mouth. "I am going to make you a mix tape." Now for you youngens that have no idea what tapes are they are these small rectangular things that we used to use in the 90's before CD's to play music. For you old folks, please don’t confuse tapes with 8 tracks. They are two totally different medians of music.
Ah, the good ol mix tape. I'm not talking about a Lil Wayne "mix tape" that can be purchased off of ITunes. I asked him to be sure that he didn't mean a mix CD. He confirmed a mix tape and said I needed to find a way to play it. Anywho, the mix tape in this particular case would be music that is recorded on a cassette tape that one selects to speak from the soul. People in the 80's would give mix tapes to people they were courting and or dumping.
Since we are now in the age of technology I think that this is really sweet and thoughtful. I was just wondering if my readers though this was cheesy or a nice romantic gesture?
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