Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Infamous Boob shelf

Many women across the world know exactly what the boob shelf is, but do the guys know? I broke down the boob shelf to my little cousin today and had my aunt cosign on exactly what it was. The boob shelf: A storage area for fallen objects in or around the breast area.

Now there are two types of boob shelves, it will always depend on the shirt that the woman is wearing. If  a woman has fairly big breasts and she is wearing a shirt that shows no cleavage, the boob shelf will catch everything on top of the shirt. It sucks when sauce falls on the shelf cause it makes your breasts look like you were feeding them. Now dropping crumbs on the boob shelf can really serve for comic relief. Here's an example, one day I had eaten chips or something at my desk at work. I had gotten up and proceeded on my way to the bathroom. I briefly looked down and had found that my boob shelf was full of crumbs. So I began to wipe it off. As I looked up there were about 6 engineers looking up at me. All their mouths were wide open and then they began to laugh. I mean it was equally embarrassing for me as it was for them. Now I am mindful of when I wipe my boobs.

The second kind of boob shelf is the hidden one. This occurs when you are wearing a shirt with little or a lot of cleavage. Basically what happens is, things fall down your shirt without your knowledge. Leaving it possible for a later snack(gross) or a mortifying surprise. There is nothing funnier than taking your bra off after you have gotten home from a long day and having food and/or objects fall out. I've had all kinds of things fall out of my bra. From food to change. Ladies, ever find a small fortune in your bra? How about a quarter stuck to your bossom? Guys may not understand this one and might even think it weird but it is what ladies go through sometimes.

Well after explaining the boob shelf to my cousin, she looked at me like i was crazy of course. One day she will learn what I meant and she might find it amusing. Which brings me to this, why did I find a sesame seed on my damn boob when i got home? I laughed so hard then, I thought about this; What if I was having an intimate experience and the guy found a sesame seed suck to my boob? Would he eat it? Would he think I was nasty? Would he laugh as my face turned beet red? I really don't know the answer to these but I do know that from now on I will be extra visual as to what falls down on to and into my boob shelf.

Has anyone ever found anything crazy in their or someone else's boob shelf?

Inquiring minds want to know....


  1. My boob shelf, while being much smaller than yours, has held an occasional pepperoni or potato chip from game day. As long as your boobs are nice and your boob shelf doesn't contain an entire meal, it's alright with me.

  2. I just lmao right now!!! I love it!!!
