Getting piercings’ can be so damn addictive. It’s right up there with getting tattoos. I know why people end up looking like the inside of a meat locker with metal hooks everywhere. Something about that initial pain makes it become so erotic. That Pinch right as you are slobbing all over the floor while your tongue is getting pierced. The flash of pain as your tongue swells in your mouth and it feels like it’s going to fall out. Aw the Romance of a piecing.
In my previous entry I talked about the nipple piercing. As I hit send I started to wonder. Am I took chicken shit to get it done? I mean I know I have other things to spend my money on but if the money magically showed up in my paypal account I just might have to consider getting it done. Just to prove to myself that I am no punk.
Who am I kidding I am the same person who says my breasts are not stress balls so don’t squeeze them. I think I might pass out if I tried to get a nipple pierced. What do you folks think? Do I have the balls to get a titty pierced? Or do you think I would ball up into a ball and cry after giving the piercing specialist a black eye?
How many of my readers have piercings? Where are they? Did it hurt?
Hell yeah you should do it!! Can we see a picture when you get it? Ha Ha