Thursday, August 18, 2011

The not so sex drive....

In my previous entry I spoke about masturbation and people claiming not to do it. Well one of my reader’s made a comment and it made me think about sex drive. So I began to wonder, what can kill a person’s sex drive? So I ventured off to Web MD to find some reasons a person can have a low sex drive. I am fortunate not to have issues with my sex drive being too low. We can talk about MY sex drive another day.
Here is the list of things I found on web MD: Stress, unresolved relationship issues, alcohol, not enough sleep, parenting, medication, poor body image, obesity, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, depression, menopause, and not enough intimacy. These are all factors they listed in a slide show. Like I said I don’t have this problem but I figured I could make my own list of why people have a low sex drive.
My list and explanations:
1.       Your partner who claims to be straight is really in the closet. I mean how often would your husband or wife really want to touch you if they don’t crave your parts? While some DL people do come out, others are afraid of their own shadow because of whatever personal reasons they have. So that closet person will never come out and tell their husband/wife “Honey, I know I have a penis but I want to get pounded in my anal canal.” Or “Honey, while you have a nice little pecker I’d rather emerge my face in vaginal fluids than to have to jerk your penis again. “
2.       Your partner has bad hygiene. This is self explanatory isn’t it? No one wants to have sex with someone who smells like the inside of a gypsy cab when the underwear comes off or even worse. I don’t know about you guys but if my partner has stink ass breath I will not be kissing them. So tell them rinse, gargle, floss and brush and take an enema while you’re at it. Your insides might be rotting from the inside out.
3.       Your partner is ugly. While people usually go for looks first. Some people go for personality which is always a good thing but what happens when your little soldier cannot rise because your girlfriend suffers from trolliosis? You know, when your partner looks like they are supposed to be collecting tolls at the footbridge in a children’s book.
4.       Another reason is genital size. Now before you go jumping to conclusions guys this is for both men and women. Men can either be too big or too small for a woman. Yes I said too big. Its possible women. Stop acting like you like 12 inch penis, your vagina is probably the size of the Grand Canyon due to those monster schlongs. Which leads me to women, a woman can be too big or too small as well. While men do claim to like tight spaces for a vagina there is such thing as too tight. That’s the point when a guy thinks he penis might snap off because it barely went in and it got even tighter. Also we all know about the endless vagina. The one that the guys who are large can slide in without a problem, well think about the average guy trying to go in there. His penis would be in there echoing. “Hellooo, Hellooo.”
Well I said I was only giving a few examples. So what are some of your thoughts on lack of sex drive? Did I hit the nail on the head? What did I miss? What are your personal reasons for being turned off and not wanting to have sex? We all want to know…

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting read, you made some great points. I'm gonna add one drive killer and say an (overly sexual person). Sounds crazy I know, but a partner who wants so much sex that they don't even give you time to recharge EVER, takes away from you wanting them at all. They make it work instead of play.... Luey p.
