Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's day Rant

Well today is 11/11/11 and it is also Veteran's day. As my day comes to an end I decide to pop some popcorn, which I ended up burning because I deicded to fetch my warm fuzzy robe. I am having a beer and taking a moment to relfect on life.

I overheard a conversation the other day at my workplace that was rather disturbing. One of the guys said "Oh if that were the case I would run to Canada or something i'm never serving in the military." It took everything I had in my soul not to yell out "You fucking cowardly little bitch" but I like having a job and I have bills to pay but I bit my tongue. I lost all respect for that individual. It's one thing to be afraid to serve but its another to be disrespectful.

When I served along side my bretheren in the United States Marine Corps one of our SSgt's introduced us to the flag burning ceremony. A flag burning ceremony is a proper way to dispose of a worn and tattered American flag. During the ceremony there were alot of things that were done and I can't remember much but what i do remember is that there was always a guest speaker.

The last ceremony we had there was a Marine Corps Veteran speaking to us. He was so proud and honored to be part of our ceremony. He kept ranting on and on about how awesome it was and speaking words of praise and thanks to us. It didnt make sense at the time. I didn't understand what this guy was so gung ho about.

In my mind he couldn't be speaking about the same Corps that made me leave my children almost every spring and fall to go to the field for a month at a time. He couldn't be speaking about the same Corps that made us do what we thought was fuck fuck work. He couldn't be talking about the Corps that showed favoritism to certain Marines. and you know what, He wasnt.

He was talking about the Corps that landed you a lifetime of frineds that you served along side. The friends who you ate with everyday. The ones you got in trouble with or for. The friends who fought along side you. The friends who, when you were over at war tried thir damnedsest to help you keep your mind off of the passing days. He was talking about the people that would be life long brothers and sisters.

He was talkng about the honor that you would feel when you told somoene you served as a Marine. He was talking about the look of awe that people give you when they found out you served. He was talking about pride. Being proud of what you have accomplished and letting it become part of you indefinitely.

Today I sit here eating my burnt popcorn, drinking a Sam Adams and listening to a foriegn subtitle film play in the back ground as a proud Veteran. I am proud of those who have come before me. I am proud of those who served with me and I am proud of those who have to courage to serve in the future.

I leave you tonight with this...... Life is not about how much money you have, its not about the clothes that you wear, its about how you love and treat the people around you. Love each other and appreciate all the blessings bestowed upon you. because everything in this world comes with a blessing even our pitfalls. Everything in life happens for a reason. You just need to find it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All I cant eat

So today we went to Hooters for dinner. They have 9.99 all you can eat wings and I really feel like I let myself down. I used to be the kind of person that could go to an all you can eat event and eat enough to feel like I had gotten my money's worth. Nowadays I have to do the math. Is it worth it for me to pay the all you can eat price or just regular price things?

Tonight was actually a good deal. 10 dollars all you can eat came with 15 wings and fries. To start 10 wings are usually 8.99 and fries are like almost 5 bucks. So in this regard I get the bang for my buck. Chinese buffets on the other hand well I'm better off buying fruit on the side of the road from some Mexican who doesn’t know hygiene.

At these all you can eat Chinese things I most often times end up filling up on orange slices and pineapples. eh go figure. I'm the type of person that if it doesn’t look right I’m not going to eat it. Also I hate those sneeze guards. I’m the perfect height not to reach the food in the back row so I end up having to literally climb into the damn buffet to get some chicken with broccoli.

Another thing about Chinese all you can eat buffets is that they want to charge 16 dollars on weekends because they usually have a seafood menu. I can’t even eat half of that crap. So word to the wise, if you ever take the Popcorn Popper out to dinner an all you can eat joint will only waste your money.

 MAybe buffets is why Americans are so gosh damned fat int he first place.
Are you an all you can eat kind of person? How often can you "All you can eat?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Get your winter Bun!!!

Well winter is quickly approaching so you know what that means if you don’t have a winter bun in line by now you may not have one come the winter time. For those who don't know what a winter bun is, a winter bun is a cuff buddy (a warm body) someone to keep you company while it’s cold.

The time to start looking for that winter bun is the end of August. It’s usually someone who you wouldn’t be seen in public with under different circumstances. Someone who you know you can deal with for a few months but nothing longer. Someone who will actually help keep you warm or who can cook, you know for those days you are snowed in.

Another thing you should look for when looking for the winter Bun is someone who at least likes the same kind of movies. Who the hell wants to lay on the couch and cuddle to some bullshit ass movies? Another thing in the bag they are to have a tooth brush, washcloth, fresh underwear and enough prophylactics. Anything more is grounds for dismissal.

The Last thing you need to remember when choosing your winter bun is that they are not supposed to last forever. As soon as there is a 70 degree day, it’s time for them to pack up their toothbrush, wash cloth and underwear and go. You have to make it look like things aren’t working because they are not happy. You need to start acting up so they break it off then once august comes back along again you can act like you’re sorry if they were a good bun.

Until next time folks... Stay warm, stay safe and get Bunned!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Cup of....

So yesterday I was hanging out with an old friend from high school. I really wanted to go out but she bought a bottle of Moscato over to my mom’s house and we began to drink and talk shit. Well once the bottle of Moscato was gone we decided to go to the liquor store to upgrade to some Hennessey.

The liquor stores in the Bronx only take cash which I never carry (in case anyone ever plans to try to rob me, you'll be mad) so I decided to go to the McDonald’s next to the liquor store to get some cash. While we were there I decided when in Rome do as the romans.

So I ordered my chicken nugget meal, but was then told they were out of barbeque sauce. Now what kind of ghetto low budget shit is that? But I didn’t complain I was ready to order something else but then decided to get what I was ordering. I know the little girl behind the register was mad but she was laughing the whole time because I was cracking jokes about randomness.

So I get my receipt and am waiting for my order when I discovered I was charge 50 cents for a cup of.

Now I don't mind getting charged for things that I order and if things will cost extra but can someone tell me what a cup OF is? Anyone? She couldn’t even tell me, We laughed so damn hard that I told her to keep the 50 cents for the cup OF cause the McDonald’s must have been in deep financial need since they didn’t have barbeque sauce or ketchup.

That Cup Of made it a memorable night.

only me... #161

I have come to the realization that certain things only happen to me in life. Some people look for drama while me on the otherhand I could be sitting in my living room sipping on a drink and drama falls right in my lap.

So I know this one guy through some mutual friends. So we are now cool with no added extras. I saw the dude the other day when i was picking my kids up from daycare and he started telling me about a personal situation. I think this is because everyone thinks i'm Dr Phil or Dr Joyce Brothers. Anywho... He tells me he is in a situation about paternity he is nervous etc etc.

So since him and I are friends on FB and I dont have his number because like I said we arent that cool. I hit him up to see how things are going for him. Is the situation ok etc. So we have a few messages on Facbook. He tells me the situation is recified and everything worked out in his favor. We make a few little jokes and the conversation is over.

Tell me why I get a message from his FB from the female. I would guess she would be upset about whatever we were talking about but.... I mean..GOSH! I didnt even say anything negative about the female. She tried to take it to the next level. "If you got any questions you can contact me directly. Mind your business" I wanted to reply "tell me why you mad son" But I knew that would just add fuel to the fire. I'm not about to fight some chick over some dude I don't even like like that.

The moral of the story is folks, no matter how much I think im avoiding problems. Problems know where to find me.

Also the home paternity kits from CVS really WORK!!!

And another thing... Why do dudes give people their passwords? or use passwords that are easily cracked? "You Gonna Learn Tonight"