Today I briefly want to touch on loving yourself. No my usual readers I am not talking about getting it on with BoB or Palmela. I am talking about loving who you are from the inside out. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes. I know a lot of people think that they love themselves but secretly they don't. They hide behind masks, making the world think that things are awesome.
A lot of time as people we put ourselves in positions that make us question if we truly love ourselves. During a conversation with my sister she made a great point. She said that I have great advice and she doesnt judge me for my mistakes because she knows things are easier said than done. With that being said I have done some real questionable stuff in my lifetime but I never have stopped loving myself.
Sometimes you have to learn how to love yourself more to know the difference between doing things that are self destructive and just making decisions based on things that seemed like a great idea. This is something that takes time. I am learning more about who I am everyday and who I want to be.
When I was younger I wanted to get a tatoo on my back that said "Love yourself above anyone else". People thought this was controversial because they said what about God and your kids? Well let me tell you this. If I don't know how to love me, how can I love God or my kids? Food for thought.
The first part of loving yourself is smiling more, from the inside. I know this is hard but sometimes a smile will warm you up for great things to come. The next thing you need to do is look in the mirror. You have to learn to love what you see. You don't like your weight? Excercise. etc Please do not make excuses. Then you will fall into the pit of self pity and your self worthwill go out the window.
The next thing you need to do is Learn to forgive. No I am not saying to tell someone they are forgiven and still hold that hate in your heart. To truly forgive is to let go of the hurt. How can you love if you are holding on to anger? That doesnt work. Been there done that.
Another great thing to do is to surround yourself with positive people. I was told you dress for the job you want not the job you have. This applies to life too. If your friends are always miserable then that will rub off on you or people will assume because birds of a feather flock together. Make sure in that group you have a great listener. Some times its good to be able to talk to someone when you are going through things.
The last secret I will give you is to give yourself time to heal. A lot of times I see people go from relationship to relationship without allowing themselves to get over the last. Relationships do not have to be romanctic ones. Maybe a friendship went bad etc. I have been there. It was getting me no where. I have been trying to find me for a long time because I had become someone that I didn't recognize anymore. So give yourself time. Not a week. oh and please I am not telling you to wallow in self pity..Not at all. my cousin said it best when he said FTP (Fuck them Putos).
Leave you on this note... You life is what you make it so why not make it the best possible experience ever?!?!?!?!
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