Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Peddler of the plastic penis

In one of my previous posts I blogged that I am now a passion party consultant. What a passion party consultant does is they go and present "passion products"  also known as dildos, vibrators, lubricants, lotions, games, etc. So far I have really been enjoying myself. There are some ups and some downs to this profession. Of course the up is that I make extra money as I talk about sex. I think that men are the most closed minded when it comes to introducing things into the bedroom.

One of the down falls of being a consultant is that men do not take what you do seriously. I have had some requests where I thought this might not be worth it. Sometimes you have to learn to ignore these request. I have the uber perverts that say, oh can i get a demonstration. I reply: "Sure, when you buy one for your wife you can watch her use it all the time."

There are the guys that think that they do not need anything to assist them in the bed room. While this may or may not be true. What these men don't know is that they can avoid going out looking for new vagina if they keep things new and exciting in the bedroom. Passion parties is not only about dildos and vibrators. There are things for the guys like stay hard cream to keep their penis a little harder a little longer without ingesting Viagra or other pills for erectile dysfunction. Might keep your lady happy. Did you know that a woman is happier when she achieves orgasm? and that more than 30% of women never have an orgasm? yea. them bitches be faking it. Get her something to play with in the bedroom while you play with her. If it outlasts you well that's a good thing.

My favorite type of close minded guy is the one that thinks they are funny. The one's that say: "why do I need lubricant when I have spit?" um, let's see because its SPIT!! Besides being nasty, spit dries up a lot faster than lubricant. I guess some men have it all figured out. Meanwhile, more women are turning to other women for pleasure and love than ever before.

Today I had the most embarrassing thing happen to me at my main job. I don't go around telling everyone what I do on the side because I work in a corporate environment and I don't want to get fired for having inappropriate conversations in the work place. Well, I was talking to someone  about the products. The office male slut. I mean he has a woman for every pair of socks. He is also a somewhat nice guy. Who would have thought that would go hand in hand? So he is kind of like that annoying little brother to me. So I was telling him that he should check out my website and support my business. I didn't get into details. He blurts out: "what am i going to do with a room full of dildos?" All of sudden you heard like 8 "Whats!?!" I moved away from him sooooo face with my face beat red and hid in my cubicle for the rest of the afternoon. I wanted to cut him but it was really funny. Good thing none of us got in trouble. I would have gone to jail if i lost my job.

 So my lady readers, do you think men need to be more open in the bedroom?

Male readers, if you are not open to new things, why not?

1 comment:

  1. Upon reading this, I agree and disagree with you. One I agree men need to keep things fresh. I also think men need to connect with their partners are a deeper level to keep things fresh. Things get stale because it's all about the male orgam and the women get neglected. On the other hand I feel women use toys and dildos as sexual crutch. When they do get involved with someone sexually that deeper connection isn't there. It's all about the nut. But the real thing that makes sex great is the deeper connection most relationships miss nowadays. It's easy to point fingers, but it's harder to look at the root of the problem and it starts with ourselves *drops Mic* but in the mean time buy dildos!!!
