Saturday, December 31, 2011

Really dough? It's New Year's Eve

So today is New Year’s Eve. The last day of the year and you know people are making all kinds of ass backwards resolutions. I learned a long time ago that the only people who make resolutions are weak individuals who really don't plan on doing anything but breaking them as soon as 12:01 hits. You got to love the creativity though. I think as time goes by they get even more amusing.

Some of the things people vow to give up are funny. Especially when they are known for the things that they are claiming to reject in the New Year. This made me think.. What are some of the fat fetched things that people claim to give up knowing damned well they can’t and won’t. Here are some:

Hoes vowing to give up fucking random dudes, at 12:01 while the heaux are taking shots they are already being scouted out for the one night stand. By 8 am on New Year’s Day they are doing the walk of shame looking like they got hit with the WTF stick because they were fucking and drinking all night. Bitch please. Do us all a favor and give in to your hoedomness. Accept being who you are because it will not change once the clock strikes midnight.

Another funny group of people are the drug users. People who smoke weed, crack etc etc. No matter how light or rough the drug. 11:59 weed smokers are lighting their last blunt of their lives... At 12:01 they are lighting another one because they couldn’t remember what they said at 11:59. Just give it up already.

The best group of liars are the ones who vow to lose weight for the new year. This has made me want to invest in a fly by night gym. These people sign up for gyms. Go for the first 2 weeks then never go again, while they are still bound by contract to the gyms and still paying their good money. Shit... If I get 100 people to pay 10's a month for a membership that's an easy 1000 a month... I could open a place and two weeks later shut it down and take their money. Good thing I am a good person and I wouldn’t take advantage of folks. But I know there are probably people out there who do it.

Any way Please stop thinking you will change overnight because you lied to yourself one night while drinking and self-reflecting on your life. Change takes time, effort and energy. If you didn’t change the 364 days before New Year’s what makes you think you will do it on NYE? I'm just saying. I know there are some people who agree and some who disagree. Either way, have fun and be safe... <3

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your post, I am over the a new year a new me bullshit! I don't vow anything, I tried to leave my scandalous hoe ways behind but I have failed so fuck a resolution lol Happy New Years!!
